First Proposal
To play picture with music is the main idea for that project.
Using an electric organ the composer plays the keyboard and creates sound and at the some time images on the computer screen
Using an electric organ the composer plays the keyboard and creates sound and at the some time images on the computer screen
Each note is a picture, for example the note A is a red circle and so on.
Every note presents another object. The objects are colourful pattern similar to Oskar Fischinger style. The colour of a note is chosen matching to the music colour circle.
A similar idea had Dan Owen With the Remote controlled choir” and won an award by Geniuson BBC Two.
The interactive pictures could be created with a computer software flash after effects or Photoshop. The objects are either image sequence or movie sequence.
For the programing Max could be used.
Improved Proposal
The idea of my project has slight changed during the working process. To play music and pictures at the some time is still the main idea. The new approach is to create the whole project with the software MaxMSP, an interactive graphical programming environment for music, audio, and media. I chose to us Max MSP because of its flexibility.
The first idea was to use an electrical organ to play music, which respond interactive and shows pictures on the screen. The idea of using a keyboard appears to be a too abstract and I decided to use a real instrument instead. The sound will be captured with a microphone. The received data, volume of sound, activates the “Catch Nurbs” patch. The volume data controls the scale (y, x, z axis) of the graphic. Loud sound makes the graphic big, low sound changes the graphic too small.
To specify the data further, the “Sigmund” object is used to transform the volumes data into notes information. The new receives information controls the colours of the graphic. The colours are the whole range of the colours circle. It starts with red and orange for deep sounds, changes to yellow and green for middle notes, turkeys and blue for high sounds and for very high notes the object becomes violet and pink.
The whole project is preset for the instrument clarinet, as the performance will be presented with a clarinet.